Greetings Friends, Family, Acquaintances, and Various Interested Members of the Human Race!
We hope you enjoy your time getting to know how amazing the creators of this blog are.
My personal vision for this blog is quite grand. I see a little spot on the World Wide Web where people can collectively and individually enjoy the genius enveloped by the combined creative powers of two little women named Shiz and Kidney (aka Liz and Sydney, respectively). Along with posting about our lives and our various exploits as vivacious and charismatic individuals pursuing a liberal arts undergraduate education at the House of Higher Learning most people call BYU, we hope to also um, how shall we say???.....have a good time. Yes. Herewith we aim to view our lives through the microscope of this blog, laughing at ourselves and pretty much everything else, as well as inviting and accepting other qualified viewers to take a gander through this same microscope.
Not to set anything in stone....but, in general the posts on this blog will be of an hyperbolic nature, employing elements of grandiose storytelling and of course always flavored by our vividly disconcerting imaginations. Code names will be employed to protect the identities of roommates, friends and other characters included in our stories. (Identities which may or may not actually be disclosed here.)
Stuff. Yeh.
Darlings, I hope to get this blog up and off the ground very soonly. I will not promise dates (on the calendar or otherwise), because personally I have issues with certain types of commitments and right now I doubt that my person can handle the kind of stress imposed by being beholden to this audience on their timetable and not mine. Seriously.Anyways, I love you guys just for reading this. And for being awesome. :)
Sincerely and Quite Possibly Forever Yours,
Syd (or Kidney, if you prefer).....and I am going to sign my cohorts name here although we have not actually discussed the preceding informational post. I know her well enough...........................................
& Liz (call her Shiz, please)
P.S.: Can you tell I have been writing way too many BS college papers lately? Thought so.
I'm a fan I'm a fan, and as your roommate, I totally want to be a contributor to these misadventures! I am so excited for this blog!