Dear Friends,
Kidney here. Or Syd, if associating me with an internal organ is too weird for you. You six amazing and devoted followers of this blog are wonderful and rare and exceptional people. Thank you for that. Now I am going to use this post to promote something that I love and am excited about. Although it has very little to do with the insane exploits of my roommates and I (and I apologize profusely), it is something somewhat important to my life at least.
The link/embed thing below is for an alternative/indie rock group called Fictionist. They are one of my favorites and I encourage anyone who reads this to check them out! Their music blows my mind, I am so in love. I first experienced their music on April 1, 2010. I went to a show at Velour Live Music Gallery in Provo with my brother, Nick, and we both had our socks and shoes knocked right off. For real. Don't spread this around, but I'm pretty sure their music is like a drug for me. That spectacular and euphoric.
Anyways, they are competing in a contest for a chance to be on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. Which is kind of a big deal for an unsigned band. They do rock, and they do deserve to win! They are doing pretty well so far, but if you like them too then vote for them and make their dreams come true! They will make a difference, and they will make the world a better place. Heck, they already have! And you can make a difference in the world by making a difference to them. Vote and be heard.
Power to the people!
With all the love in my tender little heart,
Kidney :)
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