Thus the van party. We got Elmo, Pip, and Zapo into the minivan and started out for pizza. Along the way we began referring to Toto as Mom because she was driving a minivan and we all felt like kids again sitting in the back seat. We stopped off before arriving at the pizza place and picked up Dad. Thus we had a complete family and had a fantastic midnight pizza run.
We decided to make this a family tradition. Therefore 2 nights later we headed out again, though this time to Sonic and Elmo was replaced by Mr. President. This night we were especially crazy kids and attempted to tip the van over. Although for some odd reason we were unsuccessful. We did, however, manage to crash a freshman party in the parking lot and drive through a random picture.
Our last adventure with the famed mom van was on Sunday when we raced Elmo, Dad, Shame, and Taken home. All of us left church at the same time and Toto decided she wanted to race them home. Therefore she ran and got in the car and picked us all up at the side of the road. They got out of the parking lot before us still but mom knows how to drive the minivan!!! In the end, the minivan beat out the little car. GO MOM! We
ended up getting back to the apartment complex at least 2 minutes before them. It was pretty awesome!
All in all we had a lot of memories with the mom van and it will always be remembered fondly in our apartment!

Ok, I know the original story (names & all) but I can't figure out these code names!