Hello blog readers! You haven't had the opportunity to hear from me yet so I decided to bless your life with a little insight to apartment ten.
We are ten!
We are so single it drives us crazy!
We are ten!
We like to party like there's no tomorrow!
We are ten!
We are spontaneous and a little bit awkward,
But get to know us, and we will change your life!!
Pretty much, this song has become our trademark. Sunday afternoon Robby made the mistake of asked our apartment for a favor. I believe he got more than he bargained for. Simultaneously Shiz and I had a light bulb turn on in our heads and we began to brainstorm.
Song? Dance? Poem? Skit? Oh the possibilities. We played around with "All the single ladies" as well as "girl worth fighting for" but finally settled in on "I'll make a man out of you" from Mulan. Brilliant! We aren't men, but we sure are ten!
In a matter of half an hour we had the lyrics written out and we were excited to perform.
Right after the opening song we start off with "let's get down to business...." and cheers erupted. By the end we had screams and catcalls as the infamous apartment ten made their first live debut. This was also filmed and will be linked to this blog as soon as someone smarter than me figures out how to do it.
Anyway, moral of the story... apartment ten rocks! And we WILL change your life!
Signing out.
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