Friday, June 24, 2011

You DIB!!!

Well it is summer time. Actually it has been for a little while but lets not quibble over the details. This past weekend, Shiz's cousin came to visit. At some point, which we are still not sure how this happened, we came up with a new put down. So now when ever you want to insult someone, you can do it with one word. You can call them a DIB. As in a "Dirty Ice Ball". We came up with this by comparing the person we are putting down to Pluto and its digression from a planet to a dirty ice ball. Thus our new insult was born. Watch out it is going to be the next big thing!!!!

1 comment:

  1. YESH!! I made it onto your blog! It only took me a few seconds to figure out that you were taking about me... for a second I was like "WHAAAAT?! SOMEONE IS TAKING MY PUT DOWN!" hehe It is the next big thing. We're trend setters like that.
