Monday, June 6, 2011

Yeah We are that Cool!

So as this year comes to a close and everyone goes their separate ways until this next fall, We just want to take a glance back at the good times of Apartment TEN!! So here are the best quotes of the year:).......

  • "I am going to be really upset when I am 24 and still a virgin!" -Allissa
  • "Why is he stingle?" -Sydney
  • "Shiz'll Shin Me!" -Tairsa
  • "Yes, a moose tush... sometimes they are that hairy!" -Kim
  • "How are you doing? I'm working on it." -Liz
  • "What is a word that means 'awesome' and starts with 'T'?" "Tairsa" -Sydney and Tairsa
  • "You have beautiful lip stick... Do you mind sharing?" -Kyle
  • "Good spur of the moment name coming up with." -Sydney
  • "You cool MY rack." -Tairsa
  • "Tairsa and I were trying to make questions to each other." -Kim
  • "Wow, this seat is really forward!" -Sydney
  • "I got a tark from clext." -Tairsa
  • "Men so steamy they will cook our cocoa for us!" -Kim
  • "Tairsa, you need to watch more stupid sleazy movies." -Sydney
  • Robbie *Hug* "I think I'm kissing your bicep..." -Sydeny
  • "I'm really hot could you get off me?...That would be great." -Liz
  • "Oh good, 'cause down there is boring! Up here is where it's at!" -Allissa
  • "Boys get lodged up in there and they don't loosen out!!" -Sydney
  • "That's how I like my books... medium- rare." -Tairsa
  • "Constipational physics?" -Kim
  • "You said you wouldn't gonna do it!" -Liz
  • "The baby competition starts now." -Sydney
  • "You just raped my popcorn bag!" -Sydney "and it was fun!" -Tairsa
  • "How did you get laid so many times?" -Sydney
  • "You're a sexual connotation." -Tairsa
  • "I need to read a book, but it's in the oven right now." -Kim
  • "Did I tell you about my engaged fiance?" -Sydney
  • "Oh my goodness, I'm loosing my pants!" -Liz
  • "That Bleepin' Bipolar Bubble!!!"
  • "NPT.........that means No Plumbing Terribly." -Sydney
  • "I'm not accountable for what I say!" -Tairsa
  • "Just Beeee yourself!" -Sydney "Yeah, but don't Peeee yourself!" -Kim
  • "LCD......Looking Cool Duh!" -Meggie
  • "I want some shiz on my kidney!" -Sydney
  • "You guys don't think I'm funny enough to go on the wall." -Allissa
  • "Her tongue was out and everything!" -Tairsa
  • "Excuse my indecency!" -Kim
  • "The church disorients me!!" -Sydeny
  • "... But I'm the main dish." -Tairsa
  • "So Liz, I've been googling menstrual abnormalities..." -Sydney
  • "Orange juice is like my beer... or vodka." -Liz
  • "You look good naked..." -Sydney
  • "Well I'm not gonna kiss her!" -Kim
  • "You got fork all up in my frosting." -Tairsa
  • "It's always a party in MY mouth!" -Sydney
  • "Well I know who I'm sitting next to in the winter time!" -Kim
  • "So my shampoo bottle asked me a question..." -Sydney
  • "You're a fat banana!" -Allissa
  • "He would do a deceptive cadence!" "He is deceptive!" -Tairsa and Kim
  • "NPT...National Pipe Threat!?!?!?!" -Liz
  • "You're a waster paper!" -Tairsa
  • "You have water hair!" -Kim
  • "So what you really mean is..." -Sydeny
  • "But now you have enough laundry detergent to bury a cow!" -Tairsa
  • "So Dad, I'm thinking of naming my child Blah..." -Liz
  • "He likes the way you use your lips!" -Kim
  • "I'm baggin' what you're mowin!" -Tairsa
  • "I have limited ear buds!" -Kim
  • "Sometimes I don't make sense to me." -Sydney
  • "We should make a naughty man our wife." -Liz
  • "I fell asleep in two classes today.... oh wait, I only had one." -Tairsa
  • "This is annoying! I am either starving or peeing!!" -Kim
  • "I only like being creepy when people like it." -Sydney
  • ""I'm funny!" -Tairsa
  • "I was or... this could pertain to my eternal salvation!" -Kim
  • "I'm so hungry I could eat the door off!!" -Sydney
  • "My bubble is bipolar!" -Tairsa
  • "Yeah, I just have to strip down!" -Kim
  • "Pop one, Fart one..." -Kim
  • "You are hormonally hott to me right now." -Sydney
  • " I wish I looked like I was hungry" -Tairsa
  • "Actually, dying is illegal." -Kim
  • "My Dad used to steal my mom all the time." -Allissa
Yea I hope you enjoyed that as much as we did:) TEHE TEHE!!!

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