It was a dark and stormy night, actually not stormy at all but dark, when they met at Maltie's Malt Shoppe and Cafe. Who knew that in just a few moment all their lives would go to pieces right in front of their own eyes.
Last Friday Night, apartment ten held their annual murder mystery dinner on 11-11-11 (I know, perfect date right?). As we all know this is a very sought after event. Everyone wants to receive and invitation in the mail from us, or this is what we have convinced ourselves is true.
It was a blast!!!! I could not have pictured it going any better than it did. Here is a song that we wrote in honor of the great times we had and some of the pictures we took that night.
To the Tune of "Last Friday Night" by Katy Perry
"Pictures of that night
ended up online
Too cool
For School
And the blast from the past
made us want it to last
Last Murder Night
we hung out with awesome guys
with pretty fantastic thighs
their sick looks burned our eyes,
Last Friday Night
yeah we ate at Maltie's Shop
Listened to that ole jute box
then we ate and talked a lot
Last Murder Night
Conner knew it all along
Shot gun wedding and a bomb
we're glad you all could come
Last Murder Night
yeah we think we broke the law
Go forth, be virtuous and never stop
Do it all again!!!
Introducing the famous and sought after cast ...........

Penny Lofer
Del Toydes
The whole Gang Back Together Again
FUN!!! You guys rock!