On October 31, 2011 our stake had a dance that we all went to. Sydney had left early and we were not sure if she would be coming back or not, so when we left we left the door unlocked so she could get in. After the dance we returned to this site in our kitchen.

Yes those are brownies on top of the cups. We are still unsure who the culprit/ culprits are. We are currently trying to sharpen our detective skills in order to find out the truth.
Apparently we were not fast enough in our detective skills so they decided to strike again. This is what we woke up to this morning....

Although you can't really tell from these pictures but the snow was literally packed all the way to the top of the door jam. Then there was a dixie cup like the ones from October clipped to the door jam that said:
"Nice to see you..... AGAIN!" With Micah Ingalls number at the bottom of the cup.
We shall have to wait and see if we can discover the masterminds behind these pranks. Hopefully we will discover their identities so that we can reciprocate and they won't feel lonely or left out:)