My dearest darlingest blog followers,
You may think this is a picture of three lovely ladies transporting a dead body for some ridiculously evil activity. Alas, you would be mistaken. The man in the photo is in fact alive, and the lovely ladies (who are in fact women, and are in fact very beautiful) are indeed none other than Shiz, Kidney, and Toto. Also, we are not evil, so rid your minds of such ridiculous thinkings this very instant. Absolutely Shameful.
No my friends, this is what happens when our buddy Bo Jangles decides he is "too tired" to move himself from off of his couch to come to our apartment to play games with us. He did mention that he would come if we carried him, however. We took him up on that offer.....mostly just to prove a point. So, the three of us subsequently carried Mr. Bo Jangles down stairs to our apartment. We felt pretty dang buff and exhausted (but don't tell him that) by the time we reached our apartment. Our mission had been accomplished, and we felt a certain sense of victorious pride. The occasion was so momentous that during the excursion, Bo's roommate, Brother Bear, deemed it prudent to document the proceedings on film (okay, I think it was actually his phone). An evening of marvelous festivities then commenced and there was much rejoicing. Yay.
The End.
Cool story, huh? :)
Respectfully and Never-endingly Yours,